Walk in Walt's Footsteps Tour
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Walk in Walt’s Footsteps Tour

Post by MickeyMouse71   /  

Do you ever wonder what it is that people do who travel to Disney frequently?  Well that answer might vary depending on the people traveling, but for me it is to find new things to try and do.  I love the rides, parades and fireworks, but I found a new thing that I recommend everyone try at least once, a tour.  I have done several tours, but the one I want to tell you about today is the “Walk in Walt’s Footsteps Tour”.  This tour really immerses you into what Walt felt as he built Disneyland and what his vision was for the future.  Keep one very important thing in mind, Disneyland was the only park that Walt walked in, so this tour is unique to Disneyland and to the history of Disney.

This is a 3 hour tour (and I promise you will return from the tour) and I have been able to do it 2 times.  Each time, depending on your tour guide, will be a little different.  The overall part of the tour is the same, but I have found that each tour guide has something different to share and different things that they are passionate about.  You will find that they are all very passionate about the history of Walt and Disneyland.  As you begin the tour you walk down Main Street and learn some amazing facts as to why Walt built Main Street and what it is ultimately based on.  *Fun fact: In Town Square, City Hall includes elements of the turn-of-the-century courthouse in Ft. Collins Colorado.  At that time Ft. Collins also had a grassy round-about much like you will find in Town Square.  It is also frequently mentioned that Main Street itself is based on Walt’s “hometown” of Marceline, Missouri.  Although there is some truth to this, there were many Disney Imagineers who worked on this project and in all reality they all brought a little bit of their own hometowns to this design.  “Main Street has the nostalgic quality that makes it everybody’s hometown. It is Main Street, U.S.A. Three blocks long, it is the main shopping district of Disneyland. It has a bank and a newspaper office, and the little ice cream parlor with the marble-topped tables and wire-backed chairs. There is a penny arcade and Nickelodeon where you can see old time movies. On the corner is the great Disneyland Emporium where you can buy almost anything and everything unusual.”  Roy O. Disney, September 1953

As you move down Main Street you will arrive at the hub.  This is where Walt Disney gave his dedication speech on July 17th, 1955.  You will get to hear Walt’s actual speech and relive what it might have been like to hear him say those words on opening day.  You will then make your way through all of the lands in the park where each one holds its own part of history.  We had an opportunity to ride a few of the rides as our guide told us some very interesting facts.  (I don’t want to give too much away, just in case you get the chance to do this tour in the future).  For me I was most excited about the possibility of visiting one very special location.  Thankfully they were done with the re-construction process and I was able to go into Walt’s Apartment.  Walt built a private apartment for he and Lillian, his wife, to stay at while visiting the park.  This apartment is located above the Firehouse right in Town Square, next to City Hall.  When Walt was in his apartment visiting Disneyland, the lamp in the window would be lit.  Today you will see a lamp in the window that is always lit to remind all who visit that Walt will always be a magical part of Disneyland.  The apartment was small and remains very similar to how the apartment looked when Walt and Lillian visited.  In the picture that follows you will see the window in the back where the lamp sits.  (Because of the sunlight you really can’t see the lamp, but it is there.)  There are also original pictures on the walls and the furniture is actual furniture that Walt and Lillian used.  There is a small kitchenette, bathroom and a balcony where Walt and Lillian spent time watching the people in the park.  Walt always felt that it was the people who made the park and that is why he enjoyed watching all the happiness that Disneyland brought to the visitors.   If you have  chance to book a tour while visiting Disneyland, I hope you choose this tour and enjoy it as much as I did.  You can reserve this tour by contacting Disneyland Tours at 1-714-781-8687.

To Infinity and Beyond Travel – Traci

